Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Voice of sanity

As the newest and latest Federal Election draws near in Canada, here are some of the highlights of the Green Party of Canada platform:
  • Develop and rebuild Canada's aged and neglected rail lines to get people and freight off the roads and onto the rails. Create high-speed passenger rail lines, like the ones that exist in Europe and many parts of Asia, to connect key cities like Toronto and Montreal.
  • Withdraw from the North American free-trade agreement (NAFTA) to negotiate a new trade deal that includes protection for human rights, jobs and resources.
  • Impose a $50-a-tonne carbon tax that adds 12 cents a litre to the price of gasoline. Use carbon tax revenues to fund poverty reduction measures and reduce income taxes.
  • Create programs aimed at restoring work-life balance, including a mandatory three-week vacation and reduce payroll taxes so that employers hire new employees rather than expect current staff to work overtime.
  • Decriminalize marijuana.
  • Restore the GST to 6 per cent from its currently 5 per cent, and transfer that revenue to cities for environmental infrastructure projects such as public transit.
Not a solution to everything, but the above measures would be a big step in the right direction.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cherry Beach party on Labour Day

The last Cherry Beach party of the season.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kuvia Flickriin

Duunikiireiden takia kuvien latailu verkkoon on jäänyt viime aikoina aika vähiin, mutta nyt, neljän päivän mittaisena Labour Day-viikonloppuna olen ehtinyt tehdä asialle jotain. Muutama uusi kuva löytyy nyt siis Flickr-tililtäni. Joukossa on kuvia Toronton edustan saarilta, kotipuutarhan maissista ja auringonpaisteesta nauttivasta kissapedostamme.

Sain viikonlopun aikana myös uuden portfolio-saittini pystyyn. Se löytyy osoitteesta finnformation.net ja sisältää muutamia esimerkkejä viimeisen vuoden aikana Kanadassa tekemistäni töistä. Musiikkirintamalla en ole ehtinyt viime aikoina kovin paljoa touhuta, mutta lokakuun 31. päivä tulee ulos uusi julkaisuni nimeltä "Ajaton" newyorkilaisella Hidden Recordings-labelilla.